
Asian Palate Wine Tasting Notes Database System is a 2-part bespoke system for Asianpalate. The first part, administration panel, allow the administrator could upload their own wine tasting notes into the system with its associated pre-filled wine details such as producer, origin etc. The system import CSV file, as well as manual inputs. It reduces human data entry errors and easing its use with auto-complete options.

The second part, displays the database information onto the web for visitors to review the wine notes. It includes a comprehensive search engine and display vital information on the wine notes. We also integrate the interface with external information such as real-time wine pricing with different currencies and Google image search display.

We also created a mobile layout for the display, optimizing the layout using a mobile design.

Please note that Asian Palate system has migrated to JeannieChoLee.com, in which we changed its view to suit its new layout.

Visit the Wine Database